Poor nutrition affects the entire immune system. You may be able to prevent tooth decay and periodontal gum disease, simply by improving your diet! Decay results when the teeth and other hard tissues of the mouth are destroyed by acid products from oral bacteria. Certain foods and food combinations are linked to higher levels of cavity-causing bacteria. Although poor nutrition does not directly cause periodontal disease, many researchers believe that the disease progresses faster and is more severe in patients whose diet does not supply the necessary nutrients.
What can you do to promote better oral health around your meals and snacks?
- Eat a well-balanced diet with moderation and variety.
- Choose foods from the five major food groups: fruits, vegetables, breads and cereals, milk and dairy products and meat, chicken, fish or beans.
- Always keep your mouth moist by drinking lots of water. Saliva is your friend as it protects both hard and soft oral tissues. If you have a dry mouth, supplement your diet with nutritious snacks or sugarless gum to stimulate saliva.
There are many more tips that Dr. Stante can share with you. If you’re not sure about how your diet may affect your oral health, feel free to talk with her about your individual needs and concerns.